
Research faculty offer employment opportunities to undergraduate science majors and minors.  Contact the faculty member directly via email to set up a time to discuss availability, project interests and expectations.

Visiting Instructor

As teaching needs increase, the department hires non-degree seeking post graduate  chemistry or related field students with MS/BS/BA to supplement current chemistry graduate student availability and serve functionally as teaching assistants.  The Department of Chemistry at the University of Iowa invites applications for Visiting Instructor (VI) positions beginning August 2024.


The department offers instructional and administrative support staff positions for undergraduates.

Teaching Lab Safety Monitors

Safety Monitors help to assure that lab course participants are abiding by safety expectations and using appropriate lab etiquette, maintain stock of reagents and disposables within the lab, assist participants with instrument and equipment use, as well as monitor and help maintain the cleanliness of the lab(s) to which assigned.

Email Binaya Shrestha for application and further details.

Administrative Support Staff

Student admin support  staff assist in the Front Office and Chemistry Center with customer service, answering phone calls, filing, event postings (digital and paper), digital file management and projects as assigned.

Email Lindsay Elliott for the Front Office application and details.  Email Brandyn Chapman for Chemistry Center application and details.

Research Support Staff

Research Support staff can either work in the Chemistry Stores to assist with inventory receipt and management or assist with administrative duties needed for research grant meetings and reports.

Email Evelyn Knight for the Chemistry Stores application and details.  Contacts for research admin positions will be posted as available.